Keep the family entertained with these incredibly easy-to-set-up games for the back garden. Release your competitive spirit and have fun from the comfort of your own home and garden with these simple, classic sports and games.
Obstacle course
Get creative and make your own garden obstacle course. By using everyday household items and simple ropes, you can create a fun obstacle course, whether on grass or concrete. You can cater the difficulty to suit different age groups, and you can mix things up for different days. Get some boxes and crates for kids to jump over. Use tables to crawl under or to move around the legs. Use ropes to create ground lines to hop over or for everyone to limbo. Spare tyres in the garage? You know what to do with them.
Ladder toss
Make your own ladder toss game with wood or PVC pipes, golf balls, and some three-strand nylon ropes or twisted nylon twines. Colour or mark the golf balls for each player, and drill a 3/8” hole through each golf ball. Thread the nylon rope through, tying a knot on each end to secure the golf balls and to make your bolas – your two golf balls on each bola should be about a foot apart.
Give each pole across a colour by painting or adding coloured tape or card, whatever can mark for point indication. As long as you have at least three poles across for the ladder frame, you’re good to go. Stand on the other side of the garden or roughly 15 feet back from the ladder, and toss your bolas onto the rungs. The top rung is worth three points, the middle is worth two, and the bottom rung is worth one point. First to 21 points wins!
Tug of war
Test your strength with a good, old game of tug of war. All you need is rope –
cricket boundary rope is perfect for this game, or you could go for the natural manila rope – coloured tape, and a bit of fighting spirit. Mark the middle of the rope with the coloured tape to work out a centre point, and make sure both teams are holding onto the rope at the same distance from the centre marker. Whether you play one-on-one or with groups on either side (as long as it’s equal), the aim of the game is to successfully pull the majority of the rope to your side.
Football fun
Whether you have football nets already or trees or posts, you can set up your own mini match or football training in the garden. Maybe it’s time for a penalty shoot-out or if your garden is big enough, a mini match. Practise those keepie uppies or header skills. Use cones or household items to make a footy obstacle course to get those dribble skills in, too.
Garden sports day
Eggs and spoons in the kitchen? A few sacks lying around or even some pillowcases? Spare ropes? You’ve got yourself a mini sports day! Don’t forget the three-legged race, and if you don’t have a big garden, you can do laps or a few lengths.
If it’s a hot day, why not try a bucket head challenge. Fill some buckets with water and have people race through an obstacle course whilst carrying a bucket of water on their heads. The winner is whoever still has the most water left in their bucket at the end of the race, and the loser has to have everyone pour their buckets over them!
You can use a duvet or blanket laid out for the long jump. Use rope to act as the jumping spot, placing it a metre in front of the duvet or blanket. Then, step three metres back from the rope, take a run-up, and compete for the longest jump! Don’t forget to mark down the distances.
Paddling pool games
This one is perfect for toddlers and the little ones, but even teenagers and grown ups can have some fun in a paddling pool. You can try the ‘sink or float?’ game where children guess which objects will sink or float in the water. Use a variety of objects for them to experiment with, such as a rubber duck, orange, banana, building blocks etc. Not only is it a fun game, it gets their brain ticking and helps with scientific thinking – you can ask questions and get children to guess why certain objects sink or float to analyse patterns of behaviour.
There’s also the ‘chicken’ game. For this, nominate someone to be the leader, and they then do an action for everyone else to copy. If the children copy the action, they are safe. If they get it wrong, they will get a bucket of water poured onto them as well as a letter to spell out ‘chicken’. When they have collected all the letters to spell out ‘chicken’, they lose. The last player to be knocked out is the winner. And, of course, the word ‘chicken’ can be changed for any other word that will amuse your kids!
Ring toss
By using wooden stakes or bottles, along with rope, you can create your own ring toss game easily. If using bottles, make sure they vary in size, and you may want to fill them with sand or gravel to weigh them down with the caps screwed on. Or, use wooden stakes in the ground, all dotted about with a good distance between them.
You can add coloured tape to symbolise different points – the furthest back will be worth more points. Then, grab the rope – natural ropes work great – and make rings. Use tape, preferably coloured for each player, to bind the rope together to form the ring. If you haven’t got any coloured tape, you can mark them.
You could either play by letting everyone have a turn each, or let each person try to score on every bottle or stake in one go, and then tally up the points to see who wins each round. Best of three, five, ten? It’s up to you.
Tin games
Make use of your tins, recycle them for a back-garden game! Gather rinsed out tins that all vary in size and depth, and place them around the garden. Use golf balls, pom poms, table-top tennis balls or whatever works to toss them into the tins. You can go for bonus points for any consecutive tosses into tins. Or, why not build them up to make a tower and see how many you can knock down with one ball kick.
There are so many simple, fun games you can play and make yourself at home and for the garden! Rope materials can help you form some brilliant, easy games. Contact us today for all your resources. Rope Source is the place to come!
Seems like a silly statement doesn’t it? Actually, it’s not at all. You’d be surprised about how many mistakes are made every day when it comes to laundry. There’s always an efficient method for anything, even your household chores. To impress those around you and to share some wisdom, let’s guide you through how to do your laundry like a pro.
Ways to wash your clothes
Hand wash
It doesn’t have to be just a washing machine to get the job done, especially when we are factoring in different materials and energy costs. Some materials require you to hand wash them, especially if they’re delicate. Next time you see a little stain on your tea towel or clothing, consider giving them a quick wash in the sink using the right soap instead of chucking a small load in and using needless energy.
Make salads and a quick wash
Did you know your salad spinner can help with your laundry too? These kitchen gadgets can help you go greener in more ways than one as they are also ideal for washing delicates: your bras, underwear etc. Just add the items into the strainer and wet them under the tap before adding some detergent and spinning. Leave them for 10 minutes, and then rinse them under the tap to clear the soap.
The trusted washing machine
And, of course, when you’ve separated your clothes into the right piles, the washing machine is super efficient because you can set them to a range of different settings. Always refer to your appliance’s instructions and your clothing labels. New denim jeans may need to be washed completely separately the first few times for any colour runs – and they don’t actually need to be washed as often as you think. Cottons have their own setting, and towels benefit from higher temperatures and no fabric softener. Mostly though, keeping your washing energy setting at 30 or 40 degrees will be absolutely fine for your general everyday clothes depending on how dirty they are.
Protecting clothes in the washing machine
When you’ve brought the laundry basket down, do you just chuck the load in and press the button? There’s things you can do to help protect your clothes once they’re in the drum.
Hook your bras and use a pillowcase: Simply hook any bras before they go in for their wash. This stops them snagging on other clothes, and prevents them from the elastic bending or stretching out of shape. You can also put them in a pillowcase or mesh bag to help them keep their shape as well as to protect them from damage from the rest of the clothes in the load.
Close all your zippers: Prevent snags and tears by making sure all the zippers are zipped up all the way – you don’t want the teeth catching and trapping anything in there.
Unbutton your shirts: If you leave these buttoned-up in the machine you risk the holes being damaged over time and the buttons becoming loose.
Use tea tree oil to kill mould and remove bad smells: Because of the mould and mildew that thrive in damp conditions, clothes can develop musty odours especially if they’re not dried thoroughly. To help with this, why not add a few drops of tea tree oil to the detergent of your next load? Tea tree oil is antibacterial and will kill off any mould and banish bad smells.
Add salt to stop colours fading: By adding a tablespoon of salt to your wash, you will help seal in colours. The chloride in the salt helps to lock in the dyes to the fabrics, so you can keep clothes looking fresh and straight-from-the-shops for as long as possible.
Efficient drying methods
You may have the handy dryer for you to pop in your clothes and be done with, but there are still efficient hacks for you to use in the drying part of your laundry routine – even in the dryer. You don’t have to use the dryer for every load either, especially during the warmer months. Make drying a breeze with these effective methods.
Air drying
When spring and summer come around, your washing line rope will be happy to get some attention! Hanging clothes up to dry in the baking sun is such a great idea – you save on electric and energy bills whilst minimising creasing. And they can be dry in no time, especially your thinner materials. When the temperatures fall outside and the sun goes into hibernation, or the heavens open up, you can still hang your clothes up indoors with a ceiling airer or concertina clothes airer.
Steam dry with ice cubes
Ironing – just another chore to the list. Well, ice cubes can help by giving you an easier alternative to smoothing out creases. Just add a few ice cubes to the creased clothes in your dryer and run it on hot for five minutes, and you’ll have yourself a makeshift steamer.
Use a dry towel to speed up drying
Saving you both time and energy, you can toss in a good-sized dry towel with your wet clothes before starting the dryer for a 15-minute cycle. The towel will absorb moisture from the clothes, reducing the drying time for you! As long as you don’t need that towel right away after the load has dried – you can hang the wet towel up to air dry – this works as a brilliant drying hack.
A greener dry with eco-friendly wool dryer balls
Eco-friendly dryer balls work by cutting the drying time in half, again, saving you on energy bills! They also remove the static, fluff your towels and clothes.
Unshrinking clothes
If your clothes have shrunk in the dryer, there’s a hack for that. Take your smaller-in-size item and soak it in warm water with some standard hair conditioner. Then, spread it out to dry, and stretch it a few times to reshape it back to its original size.
Have an organised system
And finally, with all the hacks to use and washing machine buttons studied, it all works with an efficient and organised system. This mainly applies to larger and busier households. Is there a laundry leader? Or does everyone do their own thing? Do whatever works for the household, but be mindful about saving energy and cutting down on washing tiem. Having people or family members come down to wash a few items on their own can rack up energy bills by having the machine on constantly.
Maybe have closable laundry baskets that are labelled on the landing for everyone to chuck and mix together similar items. And once the basket is full, it’s time for the wash – will whoever sees it’s full take it down or is there a designated laundry head? There will be times people need to have some clothes immediately washed, maybe it’s a uniform they need the next day, but as long as there is a basic system, you can run a better and efficient laundry system. Now you’re a pro.
Whether you’re tying your ropes around posts, creating eye splices, or using ropes for decoration, you’ll need to keep them in tip-top condition. Unfortunately, ropes do tend to lose their strength over time, with all the bends and tying they go through, but there are things you can do to help retain good rope strength; let’s go through them.
Using the right knots
Knots provide brilliant solutions, and there’s a wide variety of applications – from marine and yacht ropes to decking ropes. The problem lies, however, in the bending of the rope. Every time a rope is distorted, or bent around an object or itself, some of the strength is lost. When a rope is bent, some of the fibres on the outside of the curve will have to carry more weight. On top of that, parts of a rope in a knot may be compressed with the fibres not being able to move to share the load. This is why it’s important to use the right knots for certain applications. Here are the main types.
Alpine butterfly: Used for ‘Y’ hangs and for creating eyes in the middle of a rope. Typical retained rope strength with this is 70%.
Figure 8: Used for eyes, stoppers, friction hitch and to join ropes and attach them to objects. Typical retained rope strength with this knot type is 75-80%.
Anchor bend: Used for attaching a carabiner to the working end of a climbing line. Typical retained rope strength with the anchor bend is 80-85%.
Clove hitch: Used for attaching ropes to objects and great for attaching a rigging line to a limb or log being removed from a canopy. It can also be used in closing climbing systems to attach ropes to a climber’s harness before tying the friction hitch. Typical retained rope strength with the clove hitch is 60-65%.
Reef: This knot type is one of the weaker ones and is typically used for joining two ropes together. Typical retained rope strength with the reef ranges from 45-60%.
Sheet bend: Used for joining two ropes together of different sizes. Typical retained rope strength with the sheet bend is 45-60%.
Double fisherman: Used for attaching the working end of a climbing line to a carabiner in place of a splice. Typical retained rope strength with this one is 65-70%.
Round turn and two half hitches: Used for attaching a rope to an object. Typical retained rope strength with this one is 75%.
Bowline: Used for attaching ropes to trees for base anchors in SRS climbing systems or for attaching a rigging line to limbs or logs being lowered from a tree. Typical retained rope strength with the bowline is 70-75%.
Preventing ropes from fraying
Fraying ends are an issue for any type of rope. No matter the use, a rope can lose its strength and shape, suffer from wear and tear, all with the added burden of fraying ends. How do you combat this? You need to determine the rope’s fibre first. Is it a natural hemp rope, or a man-made one, like a polyester mooring rope? This will guide you on how to treat the ends. For instance, if the rope is plastic, burning the ends is a very effective solution for fraying because the melting plastic fibres fuse together, preventing any more strands from coming loose.
Another method to help prevent fraying is to tape the ends. This one particularly suits your natural ropes. Duct or electrical tape can be used to cover rope ends, you just may need several layers to ensure no loose ends escape. Make sure the pieces are wide and flat to be able to fold over the end. Secure them in place by wrapping them around the rest of the rope’s end part.
There’s also the ingenious whipping twine, which comes from a classic sailor’s trick. You simply use it to wrap the ends of your rope, and then create a whipping knot to secure the ends. For added security, you can also melt the twine a little because it’s made from a wax coating; this gives the rope’s ends a hard coating and an effective seal.
Storing the rope
When you’ve taken extra care to prevent your ropes from fraying, and made sure to use the correct knots for specific uses, you should also remember to store your ropes carefully. If you use ropes as part of your job and in a working environment, you can hang them on metal pins, but you need to consider the type of rope, as metal can oxidise and speed up the deterioration of a rope.
Don’t leave them lying around for people to trip over or for them to get damaged. When you’re finished using the rope, make sure to coil it correctly – there is a right way to do this! Avoid coiling a rope over your head and elbow because this can cause excess twist and kinking. Instead, turn the rope as it’s being coiled. You can use a pin rail or an open hand to coil.
Drying ropes
When dealing with your natural ropes, especially manila rope, whenever it gets wet, you must dry it. This is extremely important because of its make-up. The organic hemp will rot if left damp. Just make sure to hang the ropes so the air can circulate. Keep checking them for any signs of rotting and deterioration. When manila ropes get wet, they can give off a distinct odour, so you can also test whether they’re drying by giving them a good sniff.
Rope stress and abrasion
Overstressing your ropes plays a huge part in weakening them. Time, apathy, and poor maintenance can also affect rope strength. A little TLC goes a long way, as well as making sure you’re using the right rope for certain applications. Avoid dragging ropes over rough surfaces and make sure pulleys and sheaves are grooved depending on the rope size, to protect them from abrasion.
Whatever the job or use, our range of ropes is incredibly extensive, covering tons of purposes. Treat them right and make sure you choose the right one for your task. Contact our friendly, knowledgeable team for any help for your rope resources.
We’re so quick to jump out to the shops or browse online when it comes to faulty or worn items, or issues, but there are things we can all do ourselves without having to break the bank. Try out these DIY quick home fixes to surprise yourself on what you can actually do!
Cracked or shabby vases
Forget throwing out a cracked or shabby vase, get creative instead! With natural ropes and a hot glue gun, you can update it in no time, concealing any stains or cracks. Just simply coil the rope around the vase, glueing it down with the hot glue gun, and you’ll have compliments over judgement. If you have a lamp shade looking a bit tired or if it’s been cut, you can do the same.
More storage
By using some leftover planks of wood and rope, you can create some hanging shelves for a rustic storage piece. Sand down your planks, making sure they are all equal in size. Drill holes about 3cm from the edges of the planks, and thread thick rope through the drilled holes, tying knots at the bottom of the bottom shelf. Place the next plank where you want it to sit, then open the rope under it, inserting a dowel or nail through it so that the shelf can rest on it. If the rope is a thin one, you can also rest the plank on a knot in the rope to keep it in place. Attach the hanging ropes to the ceiling using swing hangers. Then, place your items on your shelves for more space.
Securing a loose floorboard
Stepping on a loose floorboard is super annoying. Stop that annoyance with this simple, quick DIY fix. For loose nails, try driving them deeper in with a nail set. If the board is bowed, use stainless steel screws over nails, and cover the heads with wood filler. Before you do this, check for pipes or electric cables underneath! You do not want to hammer or drill into a pipe, especially one that could shoot hot water at you.
Creaky stairs
The next time you hear a creak up the stairs, try sprinkling some talcum powder into the joint of the creaking steps. If it keeps happening, you’ll need to strengthen the joints. You can fit glue blocks between the riser and the tread. Prise away the blocks, and inject wood glue into the joint before refitting the blocks.
DIY coasters
Running low on coasters? Use sisal rope and a hot glue gun to make your own. Simply start by coiling the rope and glueing it in place as you coil it. When you’ve reached the size you want, chop off the end and glue it in place. Just by using a bit of rope, you now have your dinner set complete with a nautical, rustic feel.
Drawer rope handles
Missing some drawer handles? Maybe they’ve fallen or broken off? Cotton rope can be a handy alternative that will last. Simply drill some holes where the handles were and thread thick rope through, tying a knot on the inside of the drawer to keep it in place. Make sure there’s enough length on the outside to grab and tie a knot at the end. Now you can grab and pull your drawers easily without worrying about any knobs coming loose.
If you’re painting a sash window, keep moving the panels whilst the paint dries to prevent sticking. If a sash does get stuck, score the edges with a craft knife, then use a filling knife between the beads and sash – easing from both sides. Grasp the meeting rail, and shake the sash to break the paint seal. If you need to replace a sash window cord, look no further than here at Rope Source, we have all colours to suit.
Rehanging a coat rail
Look out for screws in your coat rails pulling away from the wall. Unscrew the rail to review the fixings, and consider adding another in the middle for more support. If the wall you’re attaching it to is made of bricks that have gone soft or crumbly – making screw holes worn and now too big – use a chisel to fashion a tapered peg from a piece of wood for the screw. Knock the wooden peg into the wall and saw the end off to create a flat surface.
Unless you plan to repaint, put a thin sheet of card underneath the blade and press the blade with your free hand for a straight cut. Mark the centre of the wooden peg, then drill the rail to fix it in place, but don’t fully tighten the screw. Hammer a peg to the other side, then use a spirit level on the top of the rail. When it’s straight, tap a nail into the other peg to hold it in position, then drill your hole and insert the screw. Tighten all the screws up.
Awkward keys
If you’re finding your key is becoming more awkward to work with, then there are easy things you can try. If the key is new, go back to the locksmith for them to take a look at, it may need some fine-tuning. You can also use lubricating spray to ease it in – avoid oils which can attract dirt and could clog up the mechanism. If all else fails, use a locksmith before you replace the key as it could be a simple fix.
Wobbly chairs
You don’t need to go out and buy a brand new chair, instead do a DIY home fix to save a wobbly chair. Instead of levelling chair legs by sawing them down, build up a shorter leg by putting the chair on a flat surface, and sliding an off-cut, flat piece of wood underneath until it is stable. Draw around the chair leg and saw off the circle with a fine-toothed saw. Glue and screw the chair leg to the wood to keep it firmly in place. You can also minimise movement by placing sticky-backed gliders on the bottom of the legs.
Before spending a lot more money, try out your skills for DIY home fixes first. You can train your domestic skills, as well as save some pennies. For any rope, cord, or twine materials, we’ve got you covered here at Rope Source. Contact us today for any length or spool requests.
Chores can be the bane of our lives, but making them more efficient and less harmful to the environment can turn them into motivating tasks. Get the gloves on, turn up the music and follow our tips on how to do common household chores in an eco-friendly and fun way.
Reducing water usage
Install water-efficient appliances around the house if you can and turn the tap off when it isn’t needed. Only use what you need and get into the habit of doing just that. If you have a shower and a bath, mix up your routine every now and then. When bathing, fill up with hot water first below the halfway point, and then add in cold water so you can create the right temperature more efficiently. You may find you need less hot water than your first go.
Green laundering
The most efficient way to do your laundry is to wash with full loads to use less water and energy. But, if you find that you have a small load or just a few tea towels and clothing items that you could do with cleaning and using, don’t forget good old-fashioned handwashing. Wash with cold water first and use low temperatures for the washing machine.
Nowadays, we’re more apt at recycling and some local councils provide households with food caddies and green bins for our food waste. Make sure you’re always on top of the stock of your biodegradable food bin liners and that you’re using them! Food waste is also brilliant for composting, so you can help your garden as well as the environment.
Being more methodical with your car journeys
You may be the household taxi driver, dropping off everybody to their clubs, parties, schools and workplaces. On top of that, you need to do shopping trips and any other errands. Have you thought about your fuel wastage here and carbon footprint? Often, people get a bit complacent and end up heading out a few times in a short space of time to end up covering more mileage when they could have got a few errands done in one trip. Taking the time to plan out your journeys better, thinking about grocery shops and other trips that could be done on that same outing can help you save on fuel and money.
Using the same bags for your groceries
The constant increase in the prices of plastic shopping bags drills into us how important it is to minimise our plastic bag usage, so we mustn’t forget our own reusable shopping bags. You can get bags for life and fashionable or plain shopping bags that you can use time and again. You can even get shopping bags that come in small easy-to-carry-and-store bags. Use a rucksack to help carry loads on your back, and keep those reusable bags in the car ready.
Gardening for green waste
When you need to do the lovely chore of weeding, or clearing up garden waste, remember your green bins. All the green waste collected (which includes compostable food waste) gets transported to a composting facility in the UK, where the compost created gets used in farming, landscaping, horticulture, and as a soil improver.
Eco refills
There are many refillable cleaning products out there now. Many brands are creating pouches or big tubs of cleaning products like washing up liquid and hand wash for you to refill at home. Once the containers or pouches you have used to refill bottles at home are empty, you just simply send them back to the company.
Zero-waste shops
There are brilliant zero-waste shops on the rise, where you can go in and only top up what you need, therefore reducing packaging, whether it’s cereal, pasta, oils, toiletries etc. Some even offer eco-friendly cleaning products, like reusable bamboo towels, biodegradable coconut kitchen scourers, eco cleaning brushes, and biodegradable dishwasher tablets. So, from topping up fridges and cupboards to household cleaning, you can do it all in a significantly more eco-friendly way with zero-waste shops.
Sweep over vacuuming
Stick to sweeping where you can, especially on harder floors. We may turn to the vacuum out of habit, but you’ll be using more energy each time, when you may only need to sweep. Plus, when your household cleaning soundtrack is motivating you, sweeping won’t drown it out like a vacuum will, and a sweeping brush makes a great home concert microphone stand.
There’s also the mechanical carpet sweeper that doesn’t use power, but uses brushrolls to lift dirt – they’re also great for spot cleaning. And if you do use the vacuum, you can get energy-saving models; just remember to empty them out regularly so that they’re always working efficiently. If the vacuum is full or near to, it will have to work harder, using more energy.
Declutter and donate
Next time you’re doing a clear-out, think about donating or even upcycling. Fabrics and clothes work great for arts and crafts or house DIY projects. Decluttering is not only brilliant for the whole household to make more space and to improve organisation, but it works wonders on the mind and can be very therapeutic. Sorting and decluttering can create order in our lives and helps us organise our own minds. And you may be surprised what you find or forget what treasures you had stored away.
Eco-friendly cleaning
With vinegar, water and baking soda, you can get a whole lot of cleaning done without having to stock up constantly on fancy cleaning products, building up plastic in the house. Some examples are with:
Oven cleaning:
Mix a half a cup of baking soda with a little water to make a paste
Apply the paste on the inside of the oven, staying away from heating elements (gloves recommended)
Allow the paste to sit for half a day
Use a damp cloth to clean out the dried paste
Spray some vinegar on any baking soda residue
Wipe the oven clean with a damp rag
Enjoy a sparkly looking oven again!
Cleaning the fridge:
Create a solution of vinegar and water, using equal parts
Empty the fridge’s contents
Removes drawers and shelves
Spray down the fridge with the vinegar-water solution
Let it sit whilst you clean the drawers and shelves
Then, scrub and wipe down the fridge
Before putting back the contents and food items, make sure they are all clean on the outside
Again, using a vinegar and water solution, simply wipe down condiment bottles to erase germs and grub from those greasy hands that have passed them around.
Recycle pet bedding
Double check with your local council and recycling, but in general, pet bedding can go in your green food and garden recycling bins. So that’s hay, straw, chipped wood, sawdust and wood shavings that can all go in the green bin.
Microfibre cloths
Sponges can get the job done, but they often are disposable because of the germs they harbour and plastic deterioration. Paper towels aren’t always effective and you have to go through rolls and rolls. With microfibre cloths, you get high-quality cleaning because of the technology of the fibres designed to pick up and wipe away germs and dirt effectively. They’re also reusable and machine washable, so they’re more hygienic than sponges and retain fewer germs.
Now that you’ve got some inspiration in how to make your household chores more eco-friendly, it’s time to put that playlist on and get started! Then after, why not unwind with some relaxing candles – saving on electricity.
For natural and organic ropes, washing lines, airers, cords and twines for DIY or crafts, we’ve got it all here at Rope Source! Contact us for any more info on our products, or simply browse our site.
Staycation is the buzzword for the year, not only because of travel restrictions, but also because of the interest in reviving our economy and hospitality industry. As we focus on local scenery and getaways, there’s also another revival happening, that of our homes and gardens, with them getting more TLC! So then, let’s walk through some inspiring decking ideas you can work on for your garden to turn them into classy, relaxing staycation spots.
When it comes to garden decking, the nautical design is both timeless and popular. Whether you’re a marine fan or not, this decking style works brilliantly for almost any garden. And what’s great is that this is one of the most simple ideas to do. Whatever the decking height or size, the classic nautical look has standing beams attached to the base with marine-esque ropes threaded through each to create that ‘at the pier’ vibe. You can also choose from a diverse range of decking ropes or use manila rope, mooring rope and natural ropes to complete this garden project.
Go for ingenuity with bench decking
You can really be inventive with decking, just like this idea of having seating incorporated into the architecture of the decking. From straight to wrapped benches, you can add side tables for drinks and create the ultimate relaxation space. Add cushions and padding for an even cosier feel.
Create your go-to homely holiday spot by framing a jacuzzi with decking. Build decked walls for an elevated look. Fence the decking area off with timber barriers overlooking the greenery. This setting makes the perfect unwinding space, where you can add comfy outdoor furniture and lanterns.
If you want to stand out, be inventive with a multi-toned, curved and spiralled decking structure leading you down to another platform and into the rest of the garden. With the curved seating design, you can add in central features and get a great structure for space.
If your garden is small and limited in space, there are still quirky deck ideas you can do, like building a little fire pit area with surround decking that is narrow. Or, have some decking paths alongside your plants and flower beds.
Why not bring the beach to you? At least the seaside style! With this theme, your creativity has no limits, as you could really go for it by adding sand areas and a pond, pool or jacuzzi and it’ll all come together perfectly. Lighter browns, greys and whites work wonderfully for the seaside style and decking. You can even give the shed a new lick of paint and turn it into a ‘beach hut’. Add beachy cushions and plants by some garden sunbeds. When all your decorations are up, put on some tranquil beach sounds, lay down and escape.
Having your own balcony is a perfect way to elevate your garden space and give it a holiday vibe. If you have a longer garden, this works really well, as you can overlook the rest of the green space from a higher vantage point. Especially if it’s a higher decking, lots of beams work well for the edge support to create a safer structure.
For a whimsical garden space, go for some low-level decks with a type of roof structure to hang beautiful flower baskets above and to the side of your seating spots.
Mix textures and materials up by adding pebble paths to the sides of decks or creating stone or pebble areas between decks. Or you could use plants instead.
You don’t have to create full floors of decking either. Why not create garden paths to lead to areas of your garden, sunbathing spots, picnic areas, flower beds or ponds etc. This simple decking idea can make a huge difference to anyone’s garden.
Lighting for your decking is certainly something to think about, especially if you’re going to be spending more time there. And with these amazing decking ideas, you’ll certainly want to! Spotlights work brilliantly along decking edges and planting areas. But, you can also add outdoor lights across the garden and above you by attaching them to fixtures on both ends of your garden. Another popular lighting idea for gardens is wrapping them around trees if you have them. Add in lanterns and candles, and you will have created your own beautiful, bright and romantic sanctuary.
If you’re feeling inspired, bookmark this blog to help with your garden decking project, and contact us here at Rope Source for all your rope materials!
Springtime is upon us. Flowers are sprouting, the air is getting ever so slightly warmer, and it’s the season that lightens up our moods. And rooms! It’s also a great season for crafting. Get inspired with our pick of spring and Easter crafts to keep you occupied with easily sourced materials, right here!
Floral spring wreath
Start off the season with a beautiful, floral spring wreath on your door. You can use real or faux flowers for this, whatever your preference. It all starts with a wreath hoop or band. What works brilliantly for a DIY wreath is a twine base. Use sisal twine, natural jute twine, or this perfect luxury twine spring selection box to wrap around the hoop. From there, add your flower collection with a hot glue gun. To give it an Easter flair, add egg art, baby chick toys, Easter greetings, and decorative ribbon twine.
Cut around four yards (144 inches) of rope for the handle and set aside
For the basket bowl base, take your remaining rope and begin coiling it at the base by a few inches to form a tight spiral at the base
Stick a pin through the middle of the base to keep it in place
Start sewing the coil from the middle using a zig-zag stitch (a sewing machine will work wonders), sewing each coil layer to the next layer – you’ll see your flat, coiled base forming
Once you’ve reached your desired base width, begin building the sides of your basket by laying the rope on top of the outer ring of the coiled base and sew it down
When you’ve sewn one full ring of rope on top of the outer base, you can turn the base on its side to carry on sewing your rope coils
When you’ve reached your desired basket height, end the coil by backstitching a few stitches over the end of the rope so that the top of the basket is secure
Now for the handle. Grab your rope of around four yards (144 inches); fold and coil around 15 inches together and put a pin through both ends
Sew down the middle with a zig-zag stitch, so that you have two lines of the folded rope attached together, with a fold at one end
Use this length and continue to fold and coil the rope, sewing along the way to keep it flat and attached until you’ve used all of the rope
End the rope by backstitching again to make it secure
You will end up with a handle with an arched curve at both ends; stitch each end to each side of the top of your basket
Make a rustic-looking, nature-inspired egg nest for your home by using simple frayed twine. It doesn’t have to be a beige or natural jute twine either. With our jute craft twine, you can use a range of colours – aqua blue, gold, candy floss, chocolate brown, spring green, crimson, and so much more!
Mix two tablespoons each of flour and water to a glue mixture in a bowl
Soak the twine in the mixture to soften
Begin shaping the wet twine into a coiled nest shape, and place in a plastic-lined, small bowl (roughly the same size as the nest)
4. Run the blade of some scissors against sections of some dry twine to create the frayed look 5. Stick the frayed twine sections to the nest using hot glue 6. After it’s set, fill your cute nest up with eggs!
Egg painting
We can’t forget about good, old-fashioned Easter egg painting! The creative limits are endless here, but let’s share some of our favourites. Whatever design you go for, make sure you use a table cover or newspapers to keep your surfaces clean. Have a variety of paint brushes, so you get the best outcome. Another tip is to use felt-tip marker pens for finishing touches and outlines, once the paint has set.
Celebrate Easter and spring by getting crafty at home. For all your ropes, twines and crafting needs, Rope Source has got you covered! Contact us today for any help with craft materials.
Whatever the weather, come rain or shine, you need to be able to anchor a boat safely and correctly.
Why do we anchor?
It’s not all plain sailing at sea, or on rivers and lakes, and we often need a stop or break, sometimes before we reach a port. Anchoring holds our boats in a steady position so we can break safely. Whether it’s fishing, sunbathing, sightseeing, sleeping or taking a breather, we anchor to give ourselves some time on the waters.
How does anchoring work?
It’s all a process of digging to find a secure patch in the seabed. The anchor does this for you. When the anchor drops down, it penetrates the seabed and then the suction from the seabed’s materials and the anchor’s weight creates resistance. When the boat tugs on the anchor and rode (rope), the anchor digs in deeper to create more resistance. For more difficult seabeds, where anchors can’t dig in, they instead snag on protrusions for a hold, but this is precarious.
This type of anchor is suited for sheltered water, like near the edge of a channel. If space is limited and conditions are settled, this is a good anchor technique. This involves a primary and secondary anchor with the primary anchor attached to the bow of the boat and the secondary anchor attached to the stern. By securing the second anchor to the stern, you eliminate swing, but you need to factor in treacherous waters; that’s why it’s more suited for sheltered water.
The Bahamian moor
This type of anchor is best for situations where there is limited space and poor holding. It allows for a boat to swing in a circle motion and is good for limiting your swing and if you want to avoid your anchor having to reset when the tide turns. Like the bow and stern, this is better for waters where you can see the bottom, where there is poor holding. With this technique, once you set both anchors, you don’t need to move again until you leave the anchorage. The primary anchor needs to be laid uptide, the second should be laid downtide with both rodes taken through the bow roller so that there is a fixed point for the boat to swing from in a circular motion.
It can be trickier to set up though. When laying the second anchor, you either need to lay it from a dinghy, or drop back by double your intended scope with the first anchor. Because it’s near impossible to lay out a chain rode, you should have a mooring rope or rope and chain combo rode on your second anchor. If you buoy the second anchor rode and let it slip, retrieval is easier.
V anchors
You can anchor a number of boats together with a ‘v’ anchor. Again, for areas where there is poor holding, unpredictable weather conditions and limited space, this is a suitable anchor technique. The name comes from the ‘v’ shape you create by anchoring two anchor hooks angled between 45 and 90 degrees. You deploy the anchors by laying the first one as normal with the boat dropping back for the anchor hook to set. From there, motor upwind or uptide to one side of the first anchor. Lay the second anchor at a similar distance from the intended resting place.
Drop back before setting the second anchor. To retrieve anchors, motor up to each anchor in turn. This technique can allow you to lay an anchor towards an expected wind shift and gives you more chances for a better anchor holding, especially in inconsistent weather conditions and shallower waters.
Tandem anchors
For rougher weather conditions, tandem anchors are best, especially where there is poor holding. You can lay two anchors in a line, when wind is expected to stay in that same direction. This is where you need chains to help keep the anchorage strong. The second anchor is lowered and set first by extending from the first anchor, allowing the full chain to lay out, before lowering the primary anchor.
Between the second and first anchor, you’ll need a floating retrieval line that can have one end attached to the shank of the primary anchor with the other end attached to the shank of the secondary anchor.
Safety tips for anchoring a boat
Setting your anchor right needs applied tension to the rode so the anchor digs deep into the bottom. Sailors apply power in reverse to help with this. If your boat moves, you’ll need to reset the anchor and try again.
Wind directions and weather conditions are always changing on us. You can have different anchors set up to help deal with this but you may have to reset, especially if an anchor gets dislodged from a large boat swing. To help alert you, here are some safety techniques:
Chartplotters can have an anchor alarm set up to alert you if the boat swings too far out from your anchor point
You can also set maximum and minimum anchor alarms on a depth sounder to alert you on significant water depth changes, which indicates your drifting direction (away or towards the shore)
Set a course alarm to alert you of any radical changes to your boat’s heading on an electronic compass or autopilot
Use an anchor watch to detect any changes in position by taking bearings on certain landmarks when you anchor
Rocky bottoms
The seabed isn’t going to be always smooth and flat. You may want to anchor down at a poor-holding area. It’s why you have a number of anchoring techniques to help deal with these rocky bottoms. Use a robust one that works for your boat and gauge the weather at all times. Again, if it’s not secure or your boat has swung out too much, reset the anchor. Make sure your anchor is made of high structural strength – grapnel-type or plow-shaped anchors work well
Back-up anchor
It’s advised to carry at least two anchors (preferably different ones) in case one gets lost. You can also use a different one to suit a different condition, as it may work better. Two anchors also give you more anchoring options, like the ‘bow and stern’ and ‘tandem’.
It’s important to remember that there isn’t a one-size-fits-all anchor. Certain ones can work better for different situations, so having more than one on board is definitely a good idea. When you’re out on the water, and the weather turns, you need to rely on more than one anchor, just in case. You’ll also need to have guides with you on board to help anyone with setting up different types of anchors.
When spring comes around, it’s time to get the washing line out again. But, is it looking a bit dirty and in need of a clean? Maybe you’ve kept it stored in a dark shed gathering grime and dust, or have you left it out in the winter months?
To avoid dirt transferring onto your washing, here’s how you can get your washing line rope squeaky clean and ready for those warmer months.
Cleaning PVC washing line ropes
Let’s get the easiest of the washing lines to clean out of the way first. With a PVC clothes line (or any plastic or steel-core clothes lines), it’s a simple wipe down with a tissue or cloth. For tough stains, dampening your cloth or sponge with soapy water will do the trick – otherwise it’s pretty quick and easy to clean down the PVC lines.
With natural and traditional washing line ropes, it’s a bit different. We will go into more detail about that next.
Cleaning a cotton washing line rope
As cotton clothes lines are made of a fabric material, they need a slightly stronger and more caring cleaning process. When dirt can soak in and stain, it’s no wonder they need a bit more of a helping hand.
What you’ll need to clean your cotton washing line
Bucket of hot, soapy water
Bleach (2-3 tbsp) or tea tree oil (8 drops)
Cup of vinegar
Rags, cloths or sponges
Protective cleaning gloves
How to clean your cotton washing line rope
Mix together the vinegar, bleach (or tea tree oil) and hot, soapy water in the bucket
Soak your washing line rope in the mixture, leaving it for at least 30 minutes or until you see the water changing colour
Wearing protective gloves, use your rag, cloth or sponge to wipe down the washing line rope in the mixture to remove stains, dirt and grime etc.
Once you’ve wiped and washed the rope, drain the bucket and fill it up with hot, soapy water
Use a clean sponge or cloth to wipe down the rope again, making sure to remove anything that may have been left behind
Drain out the bucket again and fill with warm water
Rinse the rope a few times until there’s no soap
Hang the washing line rope up to dry
Make sure the rope is completely dry before putting any clothes on it to dry. If you’re using jute clothes lines and don’t want to bleach it, use tea tree oil or a strong disinfectant instead.
You can also put it in a pillowcase or mesh bag to give it a run through the washing machine before hanging out to dry. Putting your washing line straight into the washing machine probably won’t remove deep rooted dirt, so it’s best to follow our method above first.
How to keep your washing line rope clean
Making sure that your washing line is clean all month long means keeping up with some rope TLC. From dirt build-up to pesky critters, we have a few sustainable ways to keep up with weekly or monthly washing line care.
Preventing insects on washing lines
No matter what the material of washing line rope, there is a handy tip to help keep insects and spiders off them. Use duct tape around the ends of your washing line with the sticky side up to deter or trap any creepy crawlies from getting on your line and into your clothes.
Keep your washing line clean
For plastic and PVC washing lines, wipe them down regularly to keep them from collecting dust or grime. For traditional washing lines, you may want to do a little soak every so often. But, it may be that they just need a wipe down, too. If any stains build up, that’s when a soak or a more generous wipe will do the job.
Need help deciding what washing line rope to get your hands on? Talk to Rope Source; we’re the experts in all things rope and lines! Contact us here, or call us on 01204 897642.
The warmer months mean we can benefit from saving energy and electricity by hanging our washing up outside on the washing line, allowing our clothes to air dry and catch the spring and summer breeze.
As well as saving you money on your electricity bills, drying your clothes without a tumble dryer is much better for the planet, so it’s great to catch the sunshine and dry weather while you can. Plus, drying your clothes outside on a clothesline gives them that amazing “fresh air” scent that can’t be truly replicated by any detergent or fabric softener.
However, the best washing line rope for you will depend on several factors, including the size of your garden, the weight of the clothes you’re hanging up, the mechanism you want (wall mounted vs retractable vs rotary), and your preference for natural or synthetic fibres.
So what is the best washing line rope to use? Let’s discuss the different types of washing lines to help you make a decision.
What to look for when choosing a washing line rope
Selecting the best washing line for you – one that suits all your laundry needs – is essential for drying clothes. That’s why we’ve put together everything you need to know about picking a clothesline.
Here are the four main things you need to look for in a washing line rope:
1. Stretchability
First off, when choosing a washing line rope, you need to make sure it has low-stretch, because it will be taking the weight of heavy wet clothes and you don’t want them to end up on the floor! Despite that, the line does need to have a little spring in it. When clothes dry on the line, they lose a lot of weight, and so the line will be gradually moving throughout the day.
Essentially, you need a low-stretch clothesline rope that can take the weight of the heavy clothes, but also has a little spring so that when the clothes dry it will adjust back to the lighter weight load without excessive sagging.
In general, natural clotheslines are lower stretch than PVC clotheslines, as PVC is a plastic material that can be stretched. However, most PVC clotheslines have a non-stretch core made out of either steel or polypropylene, which gives them inner strength to hold weight on the line without stretching.
2. Strength
In addition to being low-stretch, another key feature of a good clothesline is that it needs to be strong. The longer the distance and the heavier the load, the stronger it needs to be to take the weight.
There are several factors to take into account when determining the strength of a clothes line; the diameter of it, the material it is made from and the construction of the inner core. Therefore, it stands to reason that the thickness of the clothesline is a key factor. A thicker clothesline is generally a stronger clothes line, but it can also depend on the material.
If a washing line is made from a more stretchy outer material then it needs to have a good strong core. This is the case with PVC washing lines, which sometimes have a strong steel core or twisted polypropylene core to make them strong and low-stretch. Natural clotheslines are made with low-stretch material such as cotton or jute and are often strengthened with either a polypropylene core or a strong natural core such as sisal or jute. As natural clotheslines are made from both a low-stretch outer and inner core, they are the least stretchy clotheslines, but not the strongest and can be prone to weathering.
3. Length
Ensuring that your washing line is the correct length is also very important, but this, of course, depends on the size of your garden. If you can’t get enough length across your garden – either vertically, diagonally or horizontally – you could hang up multiple washing line cords or go across the garden. After all, you want to make the most of the dry summer months and hang out as many clothes as possible.
Please bear in mind that the longer the distance to cover, then the stronger and lower-stretch the line needs to be, as spreading a heavy weight over a long distance line is going to put immense pressure on the line. One way round this is to double up the line – by going across the shorter width of the garden to a fixing and back again, the line is not travelling as far between posts but you still get the same total length.
Ultimately, your washing line should be long enough to stretch across your garden with a little give available to withstand strong winds. However, if the line is over too long a distance and not strong enough this could lead the clothesline to sag – and with a lot of heavy clothes on the washing line, it could sag so much to the point where your clean washing could end up on the dirty floor!
If space is an issue, you could opt for a rotary washing line, which is shaped like an inverted pyramid on a stand – an example is shown further down. This space saving contraption allows you to use multiple layers of washing line in one space instead of having to stretch one clothesline rope across a small garden.
4. Material
Most washing lines are made from already very suitable materials, so when it comes to picking the perfect material for your clothesline, it’s personal preference more than anything else. Some people like the look and feel of a traditional natural line, not to mention the eco-friendly and sustainability credentials of using biodegradable materials over plastic. However, some people prefer a more durable line made from PVC, that will last them a long time.
Some washing line cords last longer than others, especially when exposed to the elements. PVC is a great all-weather clothesline option and it can be wiped down to look brand new each time, ready to be used in the sun. Although it can be a little stretchy, PVC lines are usually reinforced with a rigid steel core or polypropylene core to make them strong and low-stretch – the PVC gives them exterior durability and the inner core gives them strength. PVC clotheslines are also available in a wide range of colours, which means you can find the perfect colour to suit your garden.
Natural materials, such as cotton and jute, are low-stretch and usually have either a synthetic core for strength, like polypropylene, or a strong low-stretch natural material, such as sisal or jute. While cotton looks nice and is soft to the touch, it can be prone to weathering, which is why many cotton clotheslines have a waxed finish to make them weatherproof. Jute, however, remains strong when wet and can last a long time outdoors, but it has a rougher and more coarse feel and appearance.
If you are planning on hanging a lot of washing out to dry, perhaps the major factor to consider is the sturdiness of the material. This won’t matter so much if you’re just hanging up some t-shirts and socks, but if you’re hanging up heavier fabrics, like wool and denim, it’s vital that you choose strong materials that won’t sag or snap. Most materials should easily handle normal washing loads, but if you need something more heavy-duty, reinforced lines like steel-core washing lines are your best bet.
What types of washing lines are there?
Still not sure on natural vs plastic washing lines? From easy-to-clean PVC clotheslines, to soft-to-the-touch cotton washing line ropes – there are so many amazing washing lines to hang your clothes on. Whichever you decide on, your clothes will love you for it.
Cotton clotheslines are super soft, which means they’re never too rough or scratchy on your hands and clothes. However, just because these are the softest of the washing line ropes, it doesn’t mean they’re weak . You can get cotton clotheslines with strong synthetic cores, such as polypropylene, or you can choose eco-friendly options with a strong natural core, like sisal.
Our Everlasto non-stretch cotton pulley lines feature a strong, low-stretch sisal core for extra durability, helping you hang heavy loads without having to rely on plastic products. Plus, thanks to the natural cotton cover, these pulley lines are still very gentle on your clothes, while being sturdy enough to handle heavy washing loads for many years to come.
Our Longlast weatherproof cotton pulley lines feature a strong polypropylene core and a waxed organic cotton outer, helping them withstand adverse weather conditions, while still being incredibly soft on your clothes. This is the perfect option for a durable, yet still natural, washing line rope. The beauty of these lines is that they look natural, but with their strong core and weather-proofed waxed cover, they will resist the elements and stand the test of time. They can also be used for indoor ceiling airers too, as their waxed finish helps them run smoothly in pulleys.
Jute clotheslines are a great eco-friendly option as they are made from plaited, biodegradable jute fibres.
Jute is one of the tougher and stronger natural fibres, and made with both a jute core and plaited jute outer, these lines are very hard-wearing, resistantto fraying, and remain strong – even when wet. A jute washing line rope is a great option for those looking for a strong but completely natural and traditional clothesline rope, which is ideal if you want to keep a consistent rustic theme in your home and garden.
PVC washing lines are extruded around a strong polypropylene core and can afford to be thinner than other washing ropes because of their strong materials. These clotheslines can handle the heaviest washing loads, without excessive sagging or deterioration over time, making them extremely durable. Plus, the PVC outer shell means that it’s super easy to wipe and clean your washing line rope, which makes PVC rope the perfect outdoor washing line that won’t deteriorate or get too dirty despite adverse weather conditions.
As well as being made with a weatherproof, highly durable, wipe-clean PVC outer, three-stand PVC clotheslines are made with a three-strand ‘cabled’ polypropylene core. This means that within the lines there is a miniature twisted polypropylene rope, which gives them the strength to hold the heaviest of loads.
The Everlasto ‘Orient’ three-strand PVC clothesline is perhaps the “Rolls Royce” of all clotheslines. At 4.8mm thick, they are the thickest on the market, and unlike many thinner lines, they will take a proper old fashioned clothes peg well. Named after the Bolton mill they were first produced in, “Orient Mill”, they come in six striking “Colours of the Orient”.
Steel-core clotheslines can come in a range of colours, with white, blue, green, red, yellow, clear, and gold being popular choices. The clue is in the name, as this type of washing line rope gives extra support and strength because of its steel core. Like PVC washing lines, the hard-wearing outer shell can be cleaned with a simple wipe, making these washing line ropes perfect for uncertain weather and long-term use.
The Everlasto ‘Everstrong’ premium steel-core washing line features a 7-strand cabled steel core, and is also 4.8mm thick, making it one of the strongest clotheslines on the market. Plus, this product also comes with a line tensioner, allowing you to easily tighten the line and prevent sagging. With their combined thickness and steel core, these lines will not stretch or sag even over long distances with heavy washing loads. If you need a heavy-duty washing line, there’s no better choice than the Everlasto steel-core clothesline.
Polypropylene washing lines or “Poly-Lines” are the cheapest type of line for those looking for a cost-effective option.
Available in a striking range of bright colours – with purple, green, red, yellow, blue and white – polypropylene clotheslines can work with so many different gardens. It’s the polypropylene fibres twisted in a strong three strand construction that make these super resilient, hard-wearing, and water- and rot-proof. The durable poly cord material also makes it a versatile line that can be used as a pulley line or for general purpose rope.
A retractable clothesline kit is perfect for those who don’t want any fuss. You simply mount them to the wall and can rely on them to neatly tuck away the washing line when you’re done with it.
These strong, retractable washing lines come in handy when the weather takes a turn, or if you need more space in your garden. The plastic casing comes with a steel hook, wall bracket and instructions, so you’ll have everything you need to install it straight away. This is the best retractable washing line to satisfy all your washing needs.
Alternative clothesline options
Not everyone has the outdoor space to hang a proper washing line rope. However, this doesn’t mean you can’t benefit from drying your clothes without an energy-wasting tumble dryer.
From the best rotary dryers to the best washing lines, choosing the right clothes drying option is key. Keep your clothes happy with a drying solution that works for you by checking out these fantastic alternative clothesline options.
If you don’t have a lot of space for a traditional washing line, a rotary dryer or rotary airer can work brilliantly. These outdoor dryers feature a stand that can be easily installed in your back garden, and the multiple layers of washing lines mean you can hang up lots of clothes without taking up a lot of outdoor space.
A ceiling airer can be used indoors whilst allowing clothes to dry naturally by hanging. This is great if you want to make the most of your indoor space, and you can use it all year round because you aren’t limited by the weather.
Hanging your clothes up high is a great way to dry them because they benefit from good air circulation. To hang up your clothes and take them down, you just need to use the simple pulley system – with a pulley washing line. Sometimes the old-fashioned designs are the best!
Another drying tool for indoors is a concertina clothes airer, which can also save on energy bills by allowing clothes to dry naturally. When you are finished with your airer, they can easily be folded up and put away, making them fantastic for smaller homes with a lack of storage space. During warmer weather, you can also take your clothes airer outside to dry your washing even faster.
To conclude: which clothesline rope is best?
Deciding on the best washing line rope is all about personal preferences and factoring in your household and space.
If you’re no fan of plastic or PVC materials, then natural washing line ropes are for you.
If you need something that’s easily put away, the retractable kit is ideal.
If you want a washing line that’s easy-to-clean and is super durable, the PVC or steel-core lines do the job.
Frequently asked questions about washing line ropes
What is the strongest clothesline?
If you want to prioritise strength and durability, a steel-core clothesline is the best washing line rope for you. Since this rope is reinforced with steel, it can hold the heaviest of washing loads over long periods of time without sagging or deteriorating. PVC clothesline ropes are also very strong, which is why they’re so popular.
Should a washing line be tight?
Your washing line rope should be tight because this will prevent sagging – if your clothesline sags too much, your washing will be in danger of touching the floor. However, there should be a little bit of give in the rope too as this will help in strong winds. You can use a line tensioner supplied with our clotheslines to tighten the line as required, and of course, a clothes prop always helps too.
If you don’t have enough outdoor space for a clothesline rope, there are plenty of alternatives for you to dry your clothes both indoors and outdoors. These include rotary dryers, ceiling airers, concertina clothes airers and all sorts of drying racks that can be easily stored when necessary.
When it comes to washing lines, we’re been the UK’s expert for decades. To discuss lengths, colours and preferences, contact our friendly team at Rope Source; we know a thing or two.