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Craft twine ideas to keep the family busy

Twine craft heart design

How do you and your family spend rainy days? The thought of having to stay indoors, desperately finding something to keep the kids occupied is enough to frazzle any parents – this tricky scenario is all too common. We’re here to provide you with a number of solutions, all of which will involve getting those crafting hats on for a spot of DIY. Craft twine can be incorporated into a number of creative projects, so pick your favourites and get stuck in.


Who doesn’t love a nostalgic scrapbooking session? If you’re looking for a place to store all of your favourite memories, other than Instagram, this could be the perfect crafting idea for you and the family. When you next head off on a day out, take a few snaps and find certain objects that will remind you of your trips – whether that’s leaves, pinecones or a postcard, the choice is yours to make. The key is to create a medley of textures, with each page being completely different to the next. Create your own stencils using natural cotton string, or stick a few snips of jute craft twine to the page, positioning these between other objects, for a rough feel. 

Wall decor

Are your walls looking a little bland? We hope that your family will love this DIY craft string wall decor method as much as we do. Using a wood tile for the backing, a pencil to create your stencil, scissors, glue, and of course your craft twine to form a shape or word that’s meaningful to you; you can make something sentimental, and completely unique. For a splash of colour, decorate with stamps, paint and glitter. Don’t forget to secure a snip of twine to the back of your piece so that you can hang it up on the wall for all to admire. 

Gift wrapping

Sometimes it’s not all about what’s inside the parcel, but how it looks when it’s first presented. Being a super simple craft – and a great way to teach the kids how to wrap their own presents – anyone and everyone can get involved. Use your twine to make gift tags, or wrap your gift up in a bow, weaving in pinecones or dry flowers for a rustic feel. When paired with recyclable kraft paper and plastic free tape, everything is completely biodegradable, too.

Twine bunting

Whether you’ve got a big celebration planned, or maybe you’re just looking for a way to spruce up your home’s interior, craft twine can be used to string together paper party bunting. Once you’ve drawn and cut out your bunting templates in a shape of your choice and have decorated them to your heart’s content, you can measure out the placement of the holes, marking each with an X. Use a paper punch to cut them out and measure out a suitable twine length – this will depend on how far you’d like your bunting to reach around the room. Then you can start stringing the twine underneath each piece of bunting to keep it hidden. Add tape as you go along to secure everything in place – a grown-up’s help may be needed for this bit. 


For lovers of nautical home decor, a twine wrapped planter could be just the thing you need to finish off your table tops. Being yet another super simple method, all you’ll need to do is wrap twine around your plant pots, securing everything down every so often with a spot of glue (an adult can do this bit). Make sure there aren’t any gaps for a seamless finish.

Milk bottle vases

Got some empty milk or wine bottles that are taking up space? Why not put them to good use? A similar method can be used as above – either wrap your way from the bottom to the top, or paint your bottle and wrap your twine half way for some added interest. 

Twine bracelets

If you’ve read our previous blog post on how to make a friendship bracelet, you’ll know that twine can be weaved in all sorts of wonderful ways, with each variation creating a different effect. We’ve already discussed how coloured macrame string and decorative braids can be used for this, but if you want to make a chunkier bracelet with added texture, twine is another option. Personalise yours as you wish by weaving in buttons or beads. 

Looking for some more crafting ideas? Here at Rope Source, we have everything you need for your next DIY project. Get in touch with us today to discover the ideal resources for you.

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