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How to create a rainbow rope wall hanging

Rainbow rope decoration

For all the crafting fanatics out there, this next DIY project certainly isn’t one to be missed. A rainbow rope wall hanging is ideal for adding a touch of playfulness to your home décor – be it for a child’s bedroom, for brightening up your lounge, or to be used as a fun gift to put a smile on a friend’s face. So, if you’re in search of a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, this super simple method could be the one to clear away the clouds. 

What will you need?

To craft your very own rainbow rope wall hanging, you’ll need: 

  • Yarn in colours of your choice
  • Yarn needle
  • Twisted cotton rope  
  • Floral wire 
  • Wire cutters
  • Needle and thread 
  • Masking tape 
  • Glue gun 
  • Upholstery needle and thread
  • Jute craft twine

The method


Being inspired by Marching North’s crafting method, you’ll need to start by deciding on the size of your rainbow wall hanging. Be it a small complimentary hanging, or the focal point of a room, choose the length and width of your rope accordingly.

Lining up

Once you’ve cut your rope into five sections – with each one getting progressively shorter – and you’ve used some masking tape to secure the ends, line them up into the classic curved shape of a rainbow. 

Fringing preparation

To get an even fringing, make sure that you’re lining your ropes up evenly. Armed with your pen, mark where you would like the yarn to begin and end. 

Attaching the wire

Next up, it’s time to attach your floral wire to the cotton ropes. Cut your wire so that it’s long enough to fit within the two marks you previously made. Thread your wire through the rope’s middle to secure it in place, using small blobs of glue. as you go along 


Starting with your longest piece of cotton rope, hold your first coloured yarn up to the first mark, wrapping it around until you reach the second mark. When you reach this point, tie a tight knot, snip your yarn and use your needle to thread down the end. Be sure to keep everything tight, covering the rope without any gaps, avoiding overlapping the yarn. Repeat this process with the other pieces of rope.

Assembling the rainbow

After completing the wrapping process for every piece of rope, it’s time to start sewing your rainbow together – you’re almost done now, promise. Beginning with your two smallest pieces of rope, sew them together in a zig-zag pattern, making sure to pull the thread tight with each stitch. This will be done at the back of your rainbow, so you can keep the front looking nice and neat, ready for your guests to admire. After you’ve repeated this process the whole way around, secure in place with a tight knot (using some glue to ensure that nothing will come undone) and begin working on your next piece of rope, eventually stacking each part of your rainbow together. 

Jute hanger

By this stage, your crafting project should really start coming together. However, the process wouldn’t be complete without a hanging mechanism. Jute craft twine is the ideal material for this- due to its durability and strength- so you won’t need to worry about your rainbow wall hanging crashing down to the floor. Your jute hanger only needs to be about five inches long, so once you’ve snipped off a piece, double it over and secure with an overhand knot. Sew this into the back of your rainbow, adding some glue for additional durability. 


Now you can remove your masking tape from the ends of your rope to start creating the fringing for some added interest. To do this, separate the loose strands using a comb, fluffing each piece up as you go along. 

And there you have it! A super easy method, yet impressive result. All you need to do now is decide where to position your rainbow rope wall hanging, but we’ll leave that part up to you. 

For more advice on the best materials to incorporate into your next big crafting project, get in touch with a friendly member of our team today! Being rope experts, we’ve got just about everything you could need to get the job done. 

Featured photo source: Marching North

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